1) No costume no come/stay/participate. 2) If youre not a known or participating member amidst
the days events you are not welcome for the nights festivities. 3) If youre new, you must have a veteran questor as a your
sponsor. This sponsor is responsible and accountable for all your actions and briefing. 4) Respect ranking members for
time has held true the things that have happened and why. Accept any and all unbiased judgements in mass. (consult with a
few ranking members). 5) Follow scenarios to the best of your abilities. 6) Try to the best of your abilities to enhance
the flavor and background of the event. Role Play! 7) All weapons and armor will be inspected before being used. This will
be done by ranking members im mass (consult a few).If it does not pass it will not be used and put away (not to accidentaly
take the field).Unless repaired and passed. 8) Do nothing to endanger yourself or others around you. 9) Respect yourself,
respect the land, respect everyone else around you. Let not your tounge flap too freely. 10) Leave that wich is not your
own alone. Ask for permission from the owner first. 11) Be sure to pick up your own trash.We repeat Pick up your own trash.You
are responsible for it. 12) Be sure to keep your belongings together. 13) If you have a question ask those of rank,
ask in mass if you have to (ask a few).Think first. 14) No live steel on the field. (swords,daggers,knives,axes,maces ect...) 15)
Obey the laws of local,state, and federal governments. 16) The use of modern drinking and eating utensils and convieniences
are to be kept in the confines of your campsite. (stereos, modern technologies). Add to the atmosphere we ask you use fantasy
or historical goblets, mugs, plates, bowls, utensils and liquid holding containers. These items may be used at the general
eating areas, court and bardic circles. 17) During court and bardic circles please allow the speakers or performers the
same respect you would desire. 18) If you are becoming upset during an event we ask that you pull yourself away long enough
to 'cool off'. 19) During nighttime activities costumes are required for all. 20) Campsites will be designated depending
on the property and events.If you have set up in an area that is outside of camp boundaries you will need to move. 21)
No animals are allowed at any events. If an event is held on your property and you have animals, you are responsible for their
actions. 22) If you are not planning to fight on the quest please inquire with the autocrat(s) as to what you can do to
interact with the event. 23) Fires for cooking, warmth, ect., will need to be approved by the autocrat and or property
owner. Unauthorized fires will be extinguished.Fires need to be attended at all times. 24) Music is asked to be played
at moderate volumes in the mornings and late evenings. It is also asked that fitting ( fantasy/historical ) music is played. 25)
Modern light to be used on the ground ahead of you (when needed). Please do not scan the horizon ahead of you . 26) Lighting
for night fighting deoending on the brightness will be placed on the outer limits of the fighting area. 27) For those people
who are not actively participating in the current scenario, we ask you to keep distances of 20 to 30 feet from combat areas. 28)
No explosives or noisemakers are to be used at any time during the event. 29) No firearms of any kind to be allowed at
any events. 30) We ask that you be freidnly to the surrounding nature. 31) Firewood is to come from dead trees. 32)
Remember our image.Be friendly to visitors and let someone of rank know if a visitor arrives to inform and or speak on our
behalf. 33) Costume on and off the battlefield.Be it armor or a sheet remember atmosphere, especially during tourneys and
banquets. Appearance.
Any other ideas and or critique may be made through the appropriate meetings or functions (court), for possible
ammendments within reason.
The following are a few noted punishable offenses--To be addressed during court and punishment (to suit the offense)
decided amidst the populous and or ranks as well as the victim(s). 1) Theft 2) Out of Context Fighting
(fist fighting or severe arguements) 3) Sexual Harrasment/Assault (if this needs explaining so do you) 4) Disobeying
of direct orders/rules/regulations/and or decisions made amidst the ranks. 5) Over bearing unsafe fighting styles. Especially
after several repeated offenses.
There are other areas wich may be deemed punishable. Mostly the common sense issues should be upheld as well
as respected. Respect yourself and those around you. Appeals may be handled amidst court functions as well. |
Knights and Knight Orders. |
The making of a Knight, shall be with the approval of the majority of the Knights, active, and inactive. The title dubbed
upon him/her by the Knight or Grandmaster of an order who deems them worthy of the honor. This requiring the above stated
majority vote (aka, the inquisition). Each Knight has the ability to take an individual upon him or herself to train and to
teach as a Squire. and Introduce the codes of The ÒQuestÓ and chivalry. Squires as well to be allowed 'sit in status' amidst
Closed Courts. Requirements to vary per Master/Squire relationship. Rights of a Knight to include, Equal say in The ÒQuestÓ
as long as they are in good standing and active. They shall be required to gather in closed conferences to ordain and legislate
matters pertaining to The ÒQuestÓ and it`s activities (aka, Royal Court). To speak freely at Courts of Chivalry (aka, enforcment)
after the floor is yeilded by the current speaker(s). As well the respect due them by their given titles, of Sir, Dame, Duchess
and Duke.
Responsibilities of Knighthood includes the following, 1) to follow the codes/rules best you can
in youre 'Quest' activities. 2) to take an active role in any aspect of planning transportaion, setting up, breaking down
and generally helping out in regards to ÒQuestÓ activities (regardless of rank or Order). 3) to be able to lead a body
of warriors in any and all situation, be it trail work, kitchen duties or bloody battles. 4) to be able to put aside your
own self interests for the interests of The 'Quest'. 5) have a fairly good understanding of ÒQuestÓ rules/codes and the
patience to die and teach others. 6) Be Good, Die Well. Live in Fear, or Die with Pleasure.
Questor`s Code of
Chivalry 1) refusal to retreat before the enemy 2) loyalty to truth and his or hers pledged word(s). 3) generocity
in giving, and appreciation in receiving. 4) respect and pity for all weaknesses and steadfastness in defending them. 5)
love of life, respect for this world, nature and all who live upon it. 6) willingness to defend the defenseless 7)
strict obediance to the 'Quest' OverLords so long as he or she is just. 8) championship a right good 'Quest' in every place
and at all times against the unwanted forces of mundanity. 9) to freely give of your time and knowledge to those who would
ask , and pass on experience to those in need or want to know. 10) always look for and strive to achieve a higher quality
in youre 'Quest' lives, (aka, develop your character)
1) Your not allowed to participate if you dont have garb. Strive
to obtain better garb your 1st year. Leave your mundane life behind
2) If you dont actively play your character in roleplay and/or tourneys you cant participate in nighttime festivities
or questing.
3) If youre new you must have someone trained as a your sponsor. This sponsor is responsible and accountable for all
your actions and briefing.
4) Try to the best of your abilities to roleplay and enhance the flavor and background of the event! 5) |